Wired and tired during the day and unable to sleep at night - are you T’wired?

Wired and tired during the day and unable to sleep at night - are you T’wired?


Stuck in the busy trap? Physically exhausted but too overstimulated to switch off? Perhaps your body's stress response system has become stuck in overdrive disrupting your ability to relax and sleep. Read on to see how you might be T’wired and what to do about it.

Even in the calmest of waters, sailing through life can be stressful. When a storm brews with unrelenting pressures, and we are faced with persistent challenges it can become difficult to cope.

Couple this with the cultural pressures of productivity and a go-go-go mindset, and our nervous system becomes overloaded our attention span wanes. If you feel you are struggling to keep your head above water, you are not alone.



Always speak with your doctor before taking any action regarding your health. Supplements have a wide range of potential effects and it's important to ensure that they are right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

This post is based on general knowledge and does not provide specific medical advice. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. You should discuss infertility concerns with your healthcare practitioner, and seek advice before commencing any supplement regime.  


There is a cluster of symptoms emblematic of the modern world we live in now emerging that you might not have heard about. See if this sounds familiar to you: on the outside, to the world you are engaging and alert.

But inside, you feel overstimulated, overwhelmed and exhausted. If so, you might be experiencing a state of being known as ‘wired and tired’ or t’wired, a heightened state of awareness that often doesn’t lead to greater productivity, rather it can lead to hypervigilance - being unable to switch-off, adequately focus or obtain true rest.


These are all signs of the fast-paced, excessively stimulated modern age we find ourselves in. Although these things can be a normal aspect of life from time to time, even helping us to meet deadlines, our ability to cope with the ebbs and flows of stressors can fade affecting our long-term wellbeing.

It is important to prioritise relaxation to maximise cognitive function to be able to go about your day with ease.


Signs you are t’wired:

  1. Difficulty falling sleep - Despite being exhausted you find it hard to switch off. When your head hits the pillow, you feel restless and wide awake with racing thoughts.
  1. Heightened irritability - Due to a lack of quality sleep, you might find you get hot and bothered more often than you’d like to admit, even over things that wouldn’t normally worry you.
  1. Stressed with poor mental clarity - You can’t clue in to focus and you struggle with mental fogginess
  1. Always tired - Despite culling the to-do list and rescheduling your social life to nap, you are still tired.

It is vital to implement effective routines to ensure our wellbeing is secure, and we bring our best selves along to our busy lives. It is not about reducing stressors (that’s not possible sometimes!) but implementing techniques to cope with the inevitable.


Create constants

A routine during times of turbulence can anchor us. Turning to regular movement (daily walks), sleep schedules, self-care and meditation routines, nourishes our body and mind and helps to maintain a sense of purpose and stability.

It might be helpful to write these down and create a schedule in a diary or leave notes out as reminders. If you feel as though you tried it all and are still stuck in a cycle of stress, broken focus, and poor sleep, perhaps it is time for additional support.


Herbs of Gold L-Theanine 200mg for inner calm

L-Theanine might just be your avenue to finding true calm and balance. Herbs of Gold L-Theanine 200mg provides AlphaWave®, a clinically trialled, proprietary form of L-Theanine[1]. L-Theanine is an amino acid, naturally present in green tea leaves.

By supporting mind relaxation, it is the perfect addition for those looking for nervous system support, or to accompany any activity requiring mental focus, clarity and concentration. Or perhaps you’re an overthinker looking for a sense of calm.



L-Theanine relieves stress and calms the mind. L-Theanine’s relaxation effect is achieved by aiding the synthesis of neurotransmitters, most notably, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin and dopamine.

The delicate influence on these neurotransmitters is responsible for L-Theanine’s unique action of promoting feelings of wakeful relaxation, rather than sedation. This creates a perfect combination for those who are highly strung or wired up.


Alpha brain waves

For all those biting their nails with deadlines piling up, we have good news. L-Theanine also relieves stress and tension while supporting concentration and focus.

L-Theanine works by inducing alpha wave brain activity, which relates to a perceived state of relaxation, again doing so without causing drowsiness[2]. This fosters a calm and clear state of mind, particularly ideal for those with racing minds and difficulty focussing.


Dream sweetly with Herbs of Gold Magnesium Night

Achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep is a common struggle for many, in fact, a whopping 42% of Australians struggle to achieve the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep[3]. Taking a wholistic approach that combines essential minerals for both the nervous system and the body’s stress response, along with herbs that have a direct impact on sleep quality, can help you to ride the waves of life well rested.


Herbs of Gold Magnesium Night contains a unique combination of three ingredients, including magnesium glycinate plus Passionflower and California poppy, herbs traditionally used in Western herbal medicine as nervous system relaxants to induce sleep and relieve restlessness.


So, if you’re t’wired and struggling with concentration, or maybe you are searching for a support with broken sleep – or both, Herbs of Gold L-Theanine 200mg and Herbs of Gold Magnesium Night have you covered. Now is the time to start your days rested, calm and focused.


Always read the label and follow the directions for use.



Always speak with your doctor before taking any action regarding your health. Supplements have a wide range of potential effects and it's important to ensure that they are right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

This post is based on general knowledge and does not provide specific medical advice. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. You should discuss infertility concerns with your healthcare practitioner, and seek advice before commencing any supplement regime.  



[1] Moulin, M., Crowley, D. C., Xiong, L., Guthrie, N., & Lewis, E. D. (2024). Safety and efficacy of AlphaWave® L-Theanine Supplementation for 28 days in healthy ddults with moderate stress: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Neurology and therapy, 13(4), 1135–1153.

[2] Gomez-Ramirez, M., Kelly, S. P., Montesi, J. L., & Foxe, J. J. (2009). The effects of L-Theanine on alpha-band oscillatory brain activity during a visuo-spatial attention task. Brain Topography, 22(1), 44–51.

[3] Metse, A. P., & Bowman, J. A. (2020). Prevalence of self-reported suboptimal sleep in Australia and receipt of sleep care: results from the 2017 National Social Survey. Sleep Health, 6(1), 100–109.



By Herbs of Gold

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