Liver Love: Reset Your Body After the Holidays with Natural Support

With the festive season only a recent memory, the wonderful soul nourishing indulgences have left many of us full in heart and belly. You might even be feeling bloated or sluggish, overloaded from overeating and overindulging. Now is the time to reset and start afresh, bringing your body into harmony with the new year.
Focusing on liver support is a great way to support digestion. Your health and vitality are largely dependent on the functioning of this vital organ.
Disclaimer:This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider prior to beginning a new supplement regime. Always speak with your doctor before taking any action regarding your health. Supplements have a wide range of potential effects and it's important to ensure that they are right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. |
Liver Loving
The liver is the second largest organ, after the skin and acts as the metabolic powerhouse of the body. It is your master filter, processing and detoxifying the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. This natural purification system works alongside other organs of elimination like the gallbladder, skin, kidneys, lymphatic system and bowels. All of which play an individual role in filtering different toxins from the body.
We have continuous exposure to toxins. They are very much a part of our modern living – whether it be of natural or man-made origin, some are even produced by our bodies. They can be found in everyday products like household cleaning products, cosmetics, tap water, residue pesticides in food… this list goes on.
As the old adage goes, the dose maketh the poison, it is true that the toxicological properties chemicals vary greatly and that they aren’t aways present in dangerous levels. However, only approximately 7% have been tested for safety and graded for their health implications[1]. Sounds scary right?
Rest assured, our detoxification processes plug away every day in every cell of the body, all 30 trillion of them. In an essential process, the liver filters blood and alters fat-soluble toxic materials into water-soluble compounds for them to be effortlessly excreted from the body via urine or bile. In times of overindulging, our liver and detoxification capabilities can become burdened.
Signs of sluggish detoxification
- Constipation
- Dark under-eyes
- Halitosis (bad breath)
- Fatigue
- Intolerance of fatty foods
- Itchy skin
- Skin problems
The gut-liver connection
We know the liver detoxifies harmful substances, but it also plays a vital role in digestion by producing bile, which helps break down fats in food. Poor liver function can contribute to constipation because bile is a natural laxative and promotes regular bowel movements. When the liver isn't functioning properly, bile production may decrease, slowing digestion, causing constipation and digestive discomfort. Here are some suggestions for supporting gut and liver health:
- St Mary’s Thistle. St Mary’s thistle has a long history of use in Western herbal medicine (WHM) for its hepatoprotective action, protecting liver health and function. The benefits of St Mary’s thistle can be experienced in two Herbs of Gold products, Herbs of Gold St Mary’s Thistle 35 000 and Herbs of Gold Liver Care. Heerbs of Gold St Mary’s Thistle 35 000 contains a standardised extract of St Mary’s thistle to support healthy liver function. Herbs of Gold Liver Care is a comprehensive formula including St Mary’s thistle and also Dandelion, traditionally used in WHM to support healthy liver function and healthy digestion.
- Consider your microbiome. Opt for probiotic rich foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha or kefir. Additionally, consider Herbs of Gold Probiotic 60 Billion. This probiotic is a broad-spectrum combination of 12 different strains, useful for restoring beneficial gut flora and reducing abdominal pain. It also supports bowel regularity and reduces constipation.
- Consume the clean 15. These fruits and vegetables tend to have thicker skins or outer layers that protect them from pesticide exposure. They include avocados, sweet corn, pineapple, onion, papaya, frozen sweet peas, eggplant, asparagus, kiwi, cabbage, cauliflower, melons (rockmelon, honeydew, etc.), broccoli, mushrooms and sweet potatoes.
- Avoid the dirty dozen. These are foods are likely to have high levels of pesticide residues. They include strawberries, spinach, kale, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery and potatoes.
Budget friendly household detox solutions
Detoxing solutions don’t have to break the bank and are easier than you think.
- Choose fragrance free.
- Scented candles → beeswax candles or essential oil diffusers. Did you know scented candles emit an array of toxic chemicals such as volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and artificial fragrances? [2] - Scented tissues → unscented tissues
- Scented body wash → unscented body wash
- House plants. Air pollution remains to be a huge health concern and source of toxin consumption. Indoor plants filter air pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and airborne microbes. [3]
- Vinegar and baking soda cleanser. In combination, these two ingredients work well as a deodoriser, surface cleaner and stain remover. You can sprinkle baking soda on carpets, countertops, and in drains, then scrub or vacuum it up.
- Air out bedding and pillows. Hang soft furnishings in direct sunlight for around 4 hours on a dry, sunny day. This practice can eliminate dust mites, mildew and bacteria and other allergens and neutralise odour.
Support vs. stimulate
When it comes to detoxing go gentle, the body has innate wisdom and knowing. We don’t need to take drastic measures to “cleanse” or “detox” our system. As our body has its own capabilities for detoxifying all we need to do is support these natural processes. Choose gentle support over drastic cleanses.
Disclaimer:This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice. You should always consult your healthcare provider prior to beginning a new supplement regime. Always speak with your doctor before taking any action regarding your health. Supplements have a wide range of potential effects and it's important to ensure that they are right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. |
[1] EWG. (N.D.). The Pollution in People. Environmental Working Group. The Pollution in People | Environmental Working Group
[2] Potera C. (2011). Scented products emit a bouquet of VOCs. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(1), A16.
[3] Diener, A., & Mudu, P. (2021). How can vegetation protect us from air pollution? A critical review on green spaces' mitigation abilities for air-borne particles from a public health perspective - with implications for urban planning. The Science of the Total Environment, 796, 148605.